At the University of Chicago Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, we want students to have access to academic and cultural resources, but to also have opportunities independent of the classroom and student life. Thus, the following is a list of opportunities where students can go to search for funding, enrich their summers or find work after graduation.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Teaching Assistantship for Introduction to Latin American Civilizations

Each academic year the Center for Latin American Studies appoints advanced graduate student Teaching Assistants for the Introduction to Latin American Civilizations course sequence through an internal competition.

With funding from the Collegiate Social Sciences Division, the Center for Latin American Studies typically offers Teaching Assistantships for the three-quarter sequence Introduction to Latin American Civilization. Advanced graduate students who specialize in Latin America, regardless of academic discipline, are encouraged to apply.

Teaching Assistants complete all reading assignments, attend class lectures, lead Friday discussion sections, hold office hours for students, meet regularly to discuss course material and teaching strategies, and design and grade class assignments and exams. Please note: Each quarter, one of the Friday discussion sections is conducted in Spanish and one is conducted in Portuguese as part of the college’s Languages Across Chicago initiative. Spanish-proficient and Portuguese-proficient candidates are encouraged to apply to lead these sections!

Teaching Assistants receive a salary of $3,000 from the College for this position.

Typically, the autumn quarter of Latin American Civilization examines the major pre-Columbian civilizations, the Iberian conquest and the foundations of colonial society. The winter quarter explores late colonial history, with particular emphasis on recentralization efforts and the independence movements, as well as the difficulties associated with political and economic development. The spring quarter examines themes central to understanding modern Latin America, including revolutionary movements, U.S.-Latin American relations, and economic and cultural transformations.

All inquiries should be directed to Jamie Gentry at the Center for Latin American Studies, Kelly Hall 109, at 773-702-8420 or to

Application Information:
Application deadline: April 26, 2013. The application can be found on the Center for Latin American Studies webpage at:  This year, applications will be submitted online:

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