At the University of Chicago Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, we want students to have access to academic and cultural resources, but to also have opportunities independent of the classroom and student life. Thus, the following is a list of opportunities where students can go to search for funding, enrich their summers or find work after graduation.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Youth Scholar Academy Program

The Institute for Responsibe Citizenship is now accepting applications for the Youth Scholar Academy (YSA). This program enables talented black male college students who aspire to careers in teaching to operate a summer enrichment program for high school boys. We encourage students interested in education to apply.

YSA scholars spend two summers in Washington, DC interning at youth serving organizations. They also participate in challenging academic seminars and meet influential leaders.

Students join a network of talented leaders. Please share the news with anyone interested in applying. The deadline is Friday, February 8, 2013.

Questions? Contant Elijah Heyward, III at (202) 659-2832 or eheyward@i4c.ord.

Application Information:

The deadline is Friday, February 8, 2013. Please visit the website for more information. 

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