At the University of Chicago Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, we want students to have access to academic and cultural resources, but to also have opportunities independent of the classroom and student life. Thus, the following is a list of opportunities where students can go to search for funding, enrich their summers or find work after graduation.

Friday, August 21, 2009

2009 Young Advocate Leadership Training (YALT) Program

Young people between the ages of 18-24 to apply for the Children's Defense Fund's (CDF) Young Advocate Leaders Training (YALT) program, to be held October 2-4 2009, at CDF’s Haley Farm, in Clinton, Tennessee. o:p>

The YALT program is a three-day, intensive organizing training that will connect young adults with CDF's legislative campaigns and priorities, specifically around education reform and health coverage for all children and pregnant women. More than 100 young adults from across the country will gather to strengthen their skill set and their commitment to improve the lives of children in America.

Participants will be taught new tactics and strategies that can be implemented in their communities. Please log on to or contact Jalaya Lilies at 202-628-8787 for more information about the program and to download an application, the application deadline is Friday, August 28th.